Dental Suite One - Services


Dental Implants

We are well versed in all aspects of dental implant work, in fact, the majority of the cases we take on at Dental Suite One involve one or more implant restorations.
Whether we are receiving your IOS or silicone impressions we have the knowledge and technology to transform any selected platform into highly aesthetic, precision, screw or cement retained dental work.


Our passion is restorative dentistry and it is our aim to mimic natural dentition through the art of dental ceramics.
This is an incredibly complex field and whilst we believe the ceramic work we produce is of the very highest standard we are constantly striving to reach natures equal.  We base our ceramic work around the IPS emax system as we enjoy the versatility that this material range offers us. 

CAD/CAM Design and milling

CAD/CAM technology has become the bedrock of our crown and bridge construction.

Over recent years we have undergone a steep learning curve in the art of digital design and milling, allowing us now to digitise almost all our laboratory processes.

By keeping our manufacturing in house and using the highest standard of milling materials we are able to accurately design, produce, redesign and reproduce restorations again and again with ultimate confidence and control. 

Here to support your dental practice
Providing first class dental restorations to you and your clients

3D Printing

There has been a rapid development in digital printing technology and whilst the general accuracy of 3D printers and services available to labs has been acceptable, we have found the finer surface texture detail to be poor in comparison to conventional cast models.

After much research and consideration we have found our answer and the latest development in dental digital printing technology. The Primeprint gives us extraordinary accuracy and surface quality, the like we have not seen in any digital printing so far. Due to the smaller build platform with substantially greater pixel concentration, our printer fits our needs perfectly. Quality over quantity.


Digital Communication

If you have an intra-oral scanner we are well prepared to receive your restorative cases in digital format and complete your case using the digital workflow.

We believe that digital communication is the future for our profession and to that end we have ensured that we are well equipped in every way to accommodate your digital needs from start to finish.


Shade Communication

We are happy to work with basic shade prescriptions, however, we deal primarily with digital shade images, shared via email, dropbox or other formats.

This is preferable to a shade prescription as we can often judge surface texture,  value and tooth structure more accurately from visual images. If your practice is within a certain radius of our laboratory and you feel it would be beneficial to your patient, we would be happy to offer a chairside shade consultation service.  

Dental Suite One,
Colman House, 15-19 Station Road, Knowle, Solihull, West Midlands B93 0HL

01564 774098
07792 828 737

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Join our dental laboratory team

We are a small highly motivated team, yet we are constantly on the look-out for other highly skilled and like-minded dental technicians to join us and enhance our skill set and service level.

© Dental Suite One 2020 | Registered Office: Colman House, 15-19 Station Road, Knowle, Solihull, West Midlands B93 0HL
All images are the property of Rob Lynock and cannot be copied or used without his permission